A Strength and Fingers Program for Climbers

Progress in climbing is all about striking a balance between getting stronger and building your repertoire of technical skills.

But when it comes to building strength, knowing what to do, how much of it you need, and where to fit it into your climbing schedule can be a challenge - especially when hitting the weight room sounds a lot less appealing than trying out the new set with your friends.

As a climber, building strength is compulsory for a long, healthy athletic career. However, building strong muscles and fingers doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to take over your life either.

Start Getting Stronger
Stronger Fingers
Flexible Programming

“What is it like to train with this program?”

Force Over Time was designed to supplement the climbing you’re already doing. With this program you will:

  • Improve your finger strength using research-backed hangboard protocols.
  • Build your pulling strength and power with progressive strength sessions.
  • Support your work capacity and general athleticism.
  • Schedule your strength work alongside your climbing.

While the program is completely laid out for you, this program is self-guided and self-supported.

This program is excellent for you if you are self-motivated and already have a solid foundational habit of going climbing at least 2-3 times a week.

You do not need to have strength training or hangboard experience to use this program. However, it is recommended that you have at least 1 year of consistent climbing under your belt before engaging in this program.

This program will take the guesswork out of strength training so you can focus on more important things - like actually going rock climbing.



Are you tired of your eyes glazing over while you search the internet for the ‘best hangboard protocol'?

Let’s stop the never-ending search for the most perfect strength workout, and start getting stronger instead.



  • Progressive sessions combining strength training and finger work.

  • Minimal equipment required (hangboard, pull-up bar, minimum of two kettlebells).

  • Flexible scheduling and guidance on how to schedule with your climbing sessions.

  • Sessions options for a variety of training area layouts.

  • Maintenance programming so you can keep your strength up when you are no longer in a training phase.

Force Over Time Includes

  • A pre-training physical assessment (coach evaluation + feedback not included).

  •  12 weeks of progressive programming delivered in 4 week training blocks.

  • 1-2 training sessions per week.
  • Bonus 4 weeks of maintenance programming to use after your program is complete.
  • Downloadable program with instructional videos.
  • A printable training log to track your sessions.
  • A combination of 
    - full body strength training
    - finger training

  •  Coach communication is NOT included. For a coach supported program see Custom Training 

What sets Force Over Time apart?

At Good Spray, we believe in helping athletes build their general strength and athleticism while leaving them with plenty of time for climbing. At the end of the day, practicing climbing is ultimately what makes you better at climbing. Strength training is a supplemental activity and should be treated as such.

Here are some of the pitfalls climbers I see in the way climbers strength train:

  • The programs they use are too easy and severely underloaded for what a climbing athlete needs (I’m looking at you stretchy-band-prehab-shoulder-workouts).
  • There’s a hyper focus on ‘climbing specific work’ without helping the climber build general strength and athleticism.
  • The programs are overly complex and time consuming, causing the athlete to spend too much time lifting and not enough time actually going rock climbing.
  • Their training involves excessive volume (‘100 crunches’, ‘50 push-ups’, ‘pull-ups to failure’). These types of programs focus on making you tired instead of making you strong.


Force Over Time stands out from other strength programs in that it...

  • Saves you time by combining finger training and general strength training.
  • Treats you as an athlete and human, not just a rock climber. 
  • Allows you to train with minimal equipment.
  • Shows you how to balance your strength work and the time you have to rock climb.

Force Over Time

Downloadable Program


One time purchase


Answers to your questions: 

Are you ready to get strong?